Saturday, March 17, 2007

i'm banished from liblogs...

my blog is a joint effort, a liberal and an NDP'er.

a couple days ago, the NDP'er, decided to pull a fast one on me, and put up Jack's newest advertisements. i got a laugh out of it; all in the games of politics ...

however jason of liblogs didn't find the same sense of humour and removed me from liblogs. after contacting jason, the bottom line came down too, remove jack's ads and he will put me back on liblogs.

however, after some deliberation with my co-partner we decided not too. it is a joint blog; and i'm sure there are many households were each have a different political affiliation. and how can one sensor the other (actually, after the joke was over, i would have removed them; to even the score, that is, until the controversy came about ... and then decided not too).

liblogs is jason's, he makes the rules ... so be it.

so i know there are a few regulars from liblogs that read my postings daily ... bookmark it, and drop by ...



Jay said...

Too bad.

I would have to agree with Jason on this one. I frequent your blog often and the content does not bother me at all. I was a little dissappointed at the ads though. I think if its a joint blog between two different party affiliations then threading lightly is probably the best policy as not to dis either.

Your co blogger obviously could care less about making it a partisan blog and seems to have hung you out to dry.

Criticizing your party's policy is one thing but having a blog linked to liblogs that endorses the NDP is a another.

I'll still be visiting nonetheless.

Good luck.

susansmith said...

Sorry about that.I like your blog.

D said...

For years my parents didn't vote along the same political lines. My girlfriend and I vote differently, so does my bestfriend and I.

I personally enjoy blogs that have two sides the the proverbial political coin because they are more well rounded.

Just look at Cherniak's blog. What a piece of propaganda.

Kudos on the protest! In hopes of keeping up your support, you'll now be linked onto my blog: Right of Center Ice (if you don't mind).

audacious said...

thanks there dylan,

visit often jay ...

jan, i'm sure you know where to find me ... !

susansmith said...

Absolutely, I like your blog with both view points.

Werner George Patels said...

Stick by your principles and don't allow yourself to be blackmailed or intimidated by people who don't even know the first thing about politics.

audacious said...

FurGaia, yes, you may link back to me ...

kurichina, yet if i had to start censoring, i would surely find myself in the dog house! and i don't think our mutt likes sharing! lol

Werner, yup, i / we have principles, sometimes they are low, but they are principles, lol!

leftdog said...

If the Liberal party decided one day to disband and their members had to go elsewhere, there are many Libs who would support the NDP.

In Saskatchewan, there are MANY people who vote Liberal federally and NDP provincially. Saskatchewan actually formed a coalition government from 1999- 2003 with 3 Liberal MLA's and 29 New Democrats. It was not a bad government.

There are some Liberals, however, who would be more comfortable in the ranks of the Conservative Party. You can usually identify them as Libs who have a complete HATE ON for New Democrats.

Other Liberals should generally keep an eye on that type of Liberal.

I think it is no great loss that the bloggin libs (or whatever it is that they call themselves) don't want you. Consider it a badge of honour.

Old timers in the CCF weren't too far off the mark when they said 'Liberal / Tory - same old story' - always remember the story of 'White Cats / Black cats'.

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you!

audacious said...

leftdog -- there is a lesson in everything ... !

Idealistic Pragmatist said...

Okay, now, that's appalling.

I don't know how much it means to you coming from a New Democrat, but good on you for standing up for halfway decent principles.

audacious said...

Idealistic Pragmatist, thank you ...

Alison said...

When you disappeared for a few months last year I really missed you. Didn't know there was two of you here - just thought you were refreshingly eclectic.
Great blog. Read you daily through vlwc.

skdadl said...

audacious, I can hardly believe I'm reading this.

What an utterly absurd thing for Jason to do. (Ok: I know that's a redundancy.)

I visit often, audacious, and I vote. Congratulations on standing your ground.

audacious said...

thanks Alison!

audacious said...

skdadl, appreciate the sediments!

audacious said...

i agree ...

Anthony said...

I'm with you dude(s).

I've asked to be taken off Liblogs until you are back up there.

Completely outrageous.

Gah so mad right now...I am endorsing the harper budget tomorrow (and the fat cheque for Quebec)...maybe I would have got kicked anyway...

audacious said...

it is tough being a rebel in a liberal body-world, lol!

or is that tough being a liberal in a rebel world? lol!

Annamarie said...

I'm with you too, audacious, and agree with all your supporters. Don't worry about the likes of Cherniak. I like your blog just the way it is, so don't go changing it just to suit someone else.

There will always be somebody who doesn't like what we post. So what?

I'm a regular visitor to your site and have you on my blogroll. All that this action by Cherniak has done is generate more support for you.

Keep up the good blogging and don't worry if someone gets offended.

Annamarie - aka Verbena-19

audacious said...

Annamarie, thank you!

Annamarie said...

One more thing, Audacious. Could you please send me an email, as I'd like your help in putting up the Alta Vista Babel Fish translator thingy with the flags that you have here, on my blog:

I tried to find the codes and flags, but couldn't. If you could help me with this, I'd much appreciate it.

(I am a neophyte when it comes to computer technology, codes, etc. :(


audacious said...

sent ...