Afghan president thanks Canada for 'giving the lives of your sons'
03,14, 2006, ALEXANDER PANETTAKABUL, Afghanistan (CP) - With military helicopters swirling overhead, Afghanistan's president told Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Tuesday that he is willing to visit Canada to convince Canadians their help is essential to building his country's burgeoning democracy.
"I've said to the president I hope to see him in Canada," Harper said at a joint news conference with President Hamid Karzai, the first head of state the prime minister has met face-to-face since coming to power in January.
"I'll be there," Karzai interrupted.
He said he was willing to come to explain to Canadians why their presence is so important, a message he asked Harper to take home to a Canadian public that has grown somewhat skeptical of a mission that has taken the lives of 12 Canadians since 2002.
"Please convey to your people, to the people of Canada, the immense gratitude of the Afghan people for what your country, your people have done for us," he told Harper after an hour-long meeting.
"For giving the lives of your sons, for contributing in money, for contributing in soldiers and for being one of the biggest helpers in Afghanistan." .... more
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
canada's next dinner guest?
Posted by audacious at 14.3.06
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Well decoin I guess you quite do not understand what shoshana is trying to say here.
Obviously you are a very narrowminded LIEberal. If anything PM Harper does is wrong, then you are at least in a country where you are free to express your opinion.
“Canadian troops should stay in Afghanistan to prevent a resurgence of the Taliban, if only to support their indomitable women.”
Decoin stated, “If the Taliban regain power ....” That is what Canada and much of the free world want to avoid. You would have thought that events in other parts of te world do not effect us, open your eyes, they do. Could you imagine how the world would look if Canada didn’t fight in WWI ans II? You probably would think that Hitler was not a threat - if they would have won then the world would be different. That was one of the reasons Canada faught - to stop oppression.
You seem to forget that the LIEberals committed us to Afghanistan until 2007 - without a debate in parliament.
“Canada has absolutely no strategic, commercial, cultural or emotional interests in Afghanistan.” That is true if a person had your attitude, but thankfully you do not speak for all Canadians and your LIEberal party. Even the LIEberals cared about the rights and freedoms of other oppressed peoples in other countries. You take for granted our freedoms and seem to want Canada to forget what happens anywhere else - except in your own little “closed world” around you. You must be from Toronto where everything revolves around “you”.
“Harper is deceiving Canadians and has turned our peacekeeping military into war criminals.” This is one you have to explain, how do our “... peacekeeping military [turn] into war criminals?” Are you saying that there is no respect for life - as the Taliban” - in our soldiers? You seem to forget that Canada is on their “hit list” and defeating the Taliban would give us security, as well as Afghanistan.
I can see that you do not even acknowledge the LIEberals put us in the situation, yet you say, “The LPC must regain power and teach Canadians that the U.S. is our true enemy.” I hope the LIEberals stay out of power as long as there are extremist LIEberals as you. They would put us right back there and not support their soldiers. I will stand a little prouder this Remembrance Day knowing that the Prime Minister Harper believes in freedom and our military. In my opinion the last two PM’s only thought about themselves and their corruption cover-ups.
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shoshana, do not let your fellow LIEberals with decoin’s attitudes distance you for what you have done, and seen what most citizens in Afghanistan have to live through. Keep up you work in teaching - the students realize the freedoms and they want them for Afghanistan also. Though I have little or no respect for the federal LIEberals, it doesn’t mean that they don’t care about world events.
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