Fined for kid porn
March 16, 2006, CPGAGETOWN, N.B. -- A Canadian soldier who used computers at a New Brunswick military base to secretly view child porn received a suspended sentence during a court martial held yesterday.
Master Cpl. Steven Charles Winstanley, 36, originally of Glace Bay, N.S., pleaded guilty to the National Defence Act charge of accessing child porn.
He looked at the images in October 2004 at computers in a classroom at Canadian Forces Base Gagetown.
A suspended sentence means Winstanley doesn't have to serve time behind bars as long as he commits no further offences in the next year.
He will pay a $2,500 fine over the next year.
Winstanley, an instructor with the school of Military Engineers, admitted at the court martial that he had viewed the images.
Assistant prosecutor Maj. Jean Caron said no images were retained on the computer, located in a classroom at the military engineering school.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
canadian soldier and kid porn
Posted by audacious at 16.3.06
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