Berthier calls for the return of Paul MartinMONTREAL, March 13 /CNW Telbec/ - When Paul Martin became Minister of Finance in 1993, the unemployment rate of Canada sat at 11.2%. However, by the time he stepped down as Prime Minister, it had gone down to 6.5%.
In 1993, at the end of the 9-year conservative reign, the average mortgage interest rate was 8.78%. Today, the average rate sits below 5.99%, thus allowing hundreds of thousands of Canadians and Quebeckers to improve their quality of life by purchasing their own home. This lower rate has also stimulated the construction industry, leading to the creation of thousands of jobs.When Paul Martin took over Canada's public finances in 1993, the federal deficit had surpassed the yearly 40-billion-dollar mark, despite the GST levied as well as substantial income tax increases put in place by the old conservative regime. In the 9 years the Conservatives were in power, the federal debt went from 250 billion to 500 billion dollars, which added fuel to the fire for separatists and sovereignists promoting the idea of separation from Canada while the country was still solvent. By the end of his mandate, Paul Martin was able to eliminate the deficit and his government had repaid over 50 billion dollars in federal debts.
In fact, by the end of the old conservative regime, the federal debt represented 66.5% of the Canadian gross domestic product. Today, this debt represents only 38.7% of this same gross domestic product.
All these economic and financial improvements put Canada at the forefront of economic growth among industrialized nations. Canada went from being in a state of virtual insolvency at the end of the Mulroney government, to becoming the economic power it rightfully deserved to be.At the same time, under the leadership of Paul Martin, we have benefited from a socially just approach, which respects rights and liberties of all minorities.
Canada distinguished itself from other nations of power through civil peace, a high level of tolerance, courtesy, courage and cultural diversity. Bilingualism and multiculturalism, both core Liberal values, ensure the social peace that we all benefit from. These are the values that Paul Martin has vehemently defended.
Today, we are looking to the next leadership race for our party, the Liberal Party of Canada.
With much respect towards all aspiring candidates, we believe in all certainty that the best candidate amongst us is without a doubt the Member of Parliament in LaSalle Emard, the Right Honourable Paul Martin.
A man of perfect integrity, of admirable devotion and movingly passionate about Canada, he is the most competent and qualified candidate to lead the Liberal Party of Canada and the country. He combines a high level of competency with unmatched previous experience, while also remaining profoundly human.The last campaign was largely fuelled by the sponsorship scandal as well as the Option Canada and income trust pseudo-scandals, which forced our leader to spend all his time defending his actions. Paul Martin was not given the opportunity to truly demonstrate what he was capable of and what he wanted. He was forced to loyally defend the shady past of others, but thanks to his efforts, we avoided a much-anticipated disaster.
Without having to deal with problems that were neither his doing nor his responsibility, he could then demonstrate his true abilities as an experienced, credible and widely respected Statesman.
With this reasoning, we the members of the Federal Liberal Association of Berthier-Maskinongé Executive inform the Liberal Party of Canada that we refuse to accept and dismiss the resignation of the Right Honourable Paul Martin and we demand his return to the federal scene as well as to the position of Leader for the next federal election. We also ask of the Party that they refuse and dismiss the resignation of Paul Martin and that they consult with active members before making any further decisions.
In these times of conservatism and war-mongering, there is no other way to ensure the survival of our Canadian values. In fact, our present situation puts Canada in a state of greater vulnerability in regards to social justice as well as sovereignty and national unity. With respect to national unity, our fellow countrymen must understand more clearly the issues and risks they are faced with.This being said, we have consulted our militants as well as dozens of others in Mauricie, Lanaudière, the Laurentians and Eastern Montreal, and 90% of those consulted wish the return of Paul Martin and offer him the respect he deserves while admiring the courage he demonstrated when faced with adversity in his leadership of a minority government in the last election.
Despite the January 23 loss, and following in the footsteps of some of the best Liberal leaders from Quebec and Canada, Paul Martin must now reclaim his position as leader.
Berthierville, Quebec, Canada,
March 14th, 2006.
For further information: Louis-Victor Sylvestre, lawyer and President of the Federal Liberal, Association of Berthier-Maskinongé, (450) 836-7066, Fax : (450) 836-1269
Monday, March 13, 2006
give him credit for the good
Posted by audacious at 13.3.06
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