again, how many murders by u.s. soldiers does it take for the world to take note and leave the investigations up to someone else other than the americans.
Death in Haditha
Eli Stephens, Left I on the News, March 20, 2006Time Magazine has broken a story about the November murder of 15 Iraqis in Haditha by American marines:
American officials announced last week that they had ordered a further investigation into a deadly incident four months ago in the town of Haditha in far western Iraq.At least 15 civilians were killed in the incident on Nov. 19. The military's original statement on Nov. 20 said that the civilians and a U.S. Marine were killed by a roadside bomb.
Time magazine reported Sunday that U.S. officials are now investigating whether Marines killed the 15 civilians, including seven women and three children, after the insurgent bombing that killed their fellow Marine.The newsweekly said it had given military officials accounts from a doctor and survivors that said the 15 unarmed townspeople were killed as they hid in their houses, or tried to run to safety, as Marines searched the area after the bombing.
Eli Stephens, Left I on the News
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
u.s. soldiers murders another
Posted by audacious at 21.3.06
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