a peace activists perspectiveIs Canada Violating International Law In Afghanistan?
Canadian troops in Afghanistan are complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity because of their new aggressive role in support of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan and should be immediately pulled out of the war zone and returned to Canada or risk facing possible future criminal charges, according to a decorated Vietnam war veteran now turned Canadian peace activist. ...
Canada is said to be in violation of international and Canadian law as well for its current policy of handing over detainees to American authorities, who do not treat them in accordance with the Geneva Conventions - which Canada is bound by. The brief disputes Canadian military assurances that prisoners are being handled humanely by the U.S., pointing to a recently-leaked high-level British government document which admits the British have no idea whether or not detainees they are handing over to the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq are being sent to secret CIA detention centres for torture.
The report details the worldwide system of an illegal CIA "extraordinary rendition" process of kidnapping people and transporting them to various countries for torture. It says the process includes secret illegal "dark prisons" in Afghanistan where detainees may end up, and charges that Coalition forces act in support of and collusion with these illegalities. It notes recent news articles asserting that one U.S. prison in Afghanistan is said to be "worse than Guantanamo Bay." ...
Monday, March 13, 2006
are we violating international law?
Posted by audacious at 13.3.06
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