Poll: Bush approval rating hits new low
Mark Memmott, USA TODAY, 3/13/2006
President Bush's "approval rating" has sunk to a new low according to a USA TODAY / CNN / Gallup poll released Monday. The latest results show only 36% of those polled saying they "approve" of the way Bush is handling his job. Bush's previous low was 37%, set last November.
Sixty percent of those polled said they "disapprove" of Bush's performance. That matches an all-time worst rating hit last November and again two weeks ago.
Democrats have their biggest advantage since 1992 when poll respondents are asked if they favor Democratic or Republican congressional candidates. The spread: Democrats over Republicans 55% — 39%, a 16-percentage-point gap.
The public's approval rating of Bush, according to the poll, slipped below 50% last May and has been hovering just above or below 40% since October. Two weeks ago, Bush's approval rating was 38%. ...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
bush is sinking fast
Posted by audacious at 14.3.06
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