bids keep increasing ...
Bids rise to $250,000 in spoof auction for Liberal 'leadership'. Rick Mercer is auctioning off a Liberal leadership kit on EBay in the hopes of enticing someone - anyone - to take on the job.
March 08, 2006OTTAWA (CP) - For $24,500 you could buy a used Porsche on EBay, or a platinum Rolex encrusted with diamonds.
You could sponsor almost 1,000 children in Africa for a month through World Vision. Or you could place a bid for the make-believe leadership of the Liberal party in a spoof Internet auction run by CBC comedian Rick Mercer. Some guy has apparently chosen the latter.
On Wednesday afternoon, Mercer's mock Liberal leadership auction on EBay had garnered 72 bids - with the leading one at $24,500. The bid was surpassed numerous times later in the day.
Mercer is offering a 15-minute conference call with his writing staff to help craft a campaign message, and also guarantees use of a colour printer - one running low on magenta ink - for producing campaign material.
Fifteen minutes and one mediocre printer should do the job, according to Mercer.
"That should be enough to put you in charge of what was, until recently, a major Canadian political party,"' says his auction ad.
"So take the plunge and become Liberal leader." ... more
Thursday, March 9, 2006
update, mercer ebay/liberals
Posted by audacious at 9.3.06
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