courtesy of the canadian federal government! meanwhile i would think this new government site has the potential of becoming a conservative propaganda news site, to distribute canadian news for those who are gullible ... a costing saving measure, so they don't have to pay / plant stories to the media, to ensure the stories create the slant they want to appear!

Do some digging. You will find that this site was conceived and launched by the Liberal government for use by foreign affairs, and in particular, the Consulates and Embassies worldwide to keep Canadians abroad informed.
Now, that said, it could become a propoganda arm of the Canadian government that's for sure, and perhaps the CPC is pushing their spin through this channel. But, hey give credit where it's due. This was a Liberal medium before it was handed over to the Harper Reform-A-Tories.
revolutionary: you have me in stitches, never thought of comparing that with this ... good on you! lol.
a.l.: i just never seen a government site where they have to lure you with an ipod ... kinda like bing a kid and wanting the cereal just for the toy that was inside the box ... lol.
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