if you can't fire them, what do you do? hire a therapist to elevate your media fears or mimic some dictators who have these lavish displays and surroundings for the media to take pictures!
Downstairs move upsets national press
March 8, 2006, The Calgary Sun
CP OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen harpers relationship with the national news media is heading downhill -- or at least downstairs.
The new Conservative prime minister got heckled by the parliamentary press corps yesterday after instituting a new policy designed to restrict access to the leader and his executive following weekly cabinet meetings.In one of Parliament Hill's more raucous rituals, dozens of reporters await the end of closed-door cabinet sessions in the third-floor corridor of Centre Block.
As ministers leave the cabinet room through one of two passages, a universal microphone is set up should they choose to field questions from the media gauntlet.Now Harper has decreed the whole process should take place one floor below, where he can strike a more formal pose behind a lectern in the Commons foyer.
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
harper needs a therapist
Posted by audacious at 8.3.06
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